Monday, February 25, 2013

Interested in Construction? Check out this Scholarship!

Students wishing to study the building trades are invited to apply for a scholarship from the Alabama Home Builders (AHB) Foundation. The deadline for submitting a scholarship application is March 15, 2013.

The AHB Foundation, an arm of the Home Builders Association of Alabama, awards scholarships to students who desire to study the building trades at any two-year, four-year, or technical school in Alabama. Trades include brick masonry, carpentry, roofing, electrical technology, HVAC, and others.

To apply for a scholarship, one must be an Alabama resident who is pursuing a construction-related degree. The Foundation will accept applications from high school students, as well as students attending accredited community or junior colleges, technical or trade schools, and four-year universities in Alabama. The purpose of the scholarship program is to enlist Alabama’s top students into the home building and remodeling industries.

Scholarship applications may be downloaded from the Foundation website, , or you may call the Home Builders Association of Alabama at 1-800-745-4222 to request an application. For questions about the scholarship process, contact Artemis Moore ( or Debbie Baxley ( at 1-800-745-4222.

New Diploma Options

These are frequently asked questions taken directly from the State Department of Education website:

New Alabama High School Diploma

Frequently Asked Questions

January 18, 2013

1. When will the new diploma be implemented?
  • This will apply to all students beginning with the ninth-grade class in 2013-14.

2. Are school systems allowed to have a locally developed tiered diploma (Magna Cum Laude, etc.)?
  • Yes.

3. Will this replace all variations of the diploma as in the advanced diploma?
  • Yes. Local education agencies (LEAs) may add endorsements.

4. What is the purpose in making this change?
  • The purpose for the change is to allow more flexibility for students in pursuing their interests. There are many differences in the courses students may take with this diploma; everyone will not take the same courses just because there is one diploma. Also, LEAs may add requirements for additional diplomas.

5. Will any high stakes test be attached to the requirements for receiving this diploma?
  •  No.

6. How do we obtain approval for locally developed courses to count as an equivalent course?
  • Locally developed CTE courses must be submitted to the CTE Section.
  • Locally developed core courses (Mathematics, English, Science, and Social Studies) must be submitted to the Curriculum Section.
  • Once submitted to either Section, a cross-sectional team will review courses for alignment to standards and approval for equivalent credit.

7. What are the CTE equivalent courses that can be used to satisfy math, science, Computer Application, or CTE requirements?
  • Currently, there are only equivalent courses for science. They are:

o Aquascience—Aquaculture Science

o Chemistry—Chemistry of Food

o Environmental Science—Environmental Management

o Forensic Science—Forensic and Criminal Investigations

o Genetics—Introduction to Biotechnology

o Human Anatomy and Physiology—Human Body Structures and Functions

o Botany-Plant Biotechnology

8. Can a CTE course be used to meet the math requirement and also be used to meet the CTE/Foreign Language/Arts Ed requirement?
  •  Yes, it could be used to meet the requirement, but a student cannot earn two credits for the same course. So, the student would have the opportunity to earn an additional credit. Also, the CTE class must be an approved equivalent course for math.

9. Under math requirements, what is meant by “or its equivalent” after the Algebra II requirement?
  • Algebra II, Algebra II with Trigonometry, or an approved equivalent course is required. Currently, a course is being developed as an equivalent option for Algebra II.

10. Is there a minimum level of math required for graduation?
  • Yes. The minimum level is Algebra I, Geometry, Algebra II/Algebra II with Trigonometry, or the equivalent of any of these and one additional math course.

11. What sort of credentials or certificates will be required of CTE teachers whose courses meet the requirements to count as a math or science credit? How will this affect HQ status?
  • The current requirements of certification remain in place at this time.

12. How will the new diploma affect HQ? Will there be any flexibility as it relates to HQ for any of the subject areas?
  • At this time, HQ remains in place. However, we are pursuing what can be done related to HQ flexibility.

13. Currently, students can choose either 3 CTE courses for the AHSD/Advanced Career and Technical Endorsement or the AHSD/Career and Technical Endorsement (based on which math the student completes) or an Advanced Academic Endorsement by adding two of the same foreign language courses.

a. With the new diploma, can the student choose any of the following combinations?

  • 2 Foreign Language courses (same language) and 1 CTE or 1 Art course = 3

  • 3 CTE courses and no foreign language and no Art = 3

  • 2 CTE courses and 1 foreign language or 1 Art course = 3

  • 1 CTE course, 1 foreign language and 1 ART = 3

  • Yes; however, 10th, 11th, and 12th graders in 2013-14 will follow previous requirements.

b. Will students still be required to take an Arts Education course?

  • No.

14. There was much discussion about the two courses in CTE, foreign language and/or art. Some administrators believe the arts may suffer from loss of enrollment. What was the rationale for grouping these together? Many students have an interest in two or three of these areas.
  • Actually, this should foster greater opportunity for arts classes. There should be enough elective credits available for students to take additional courses in subjects of interest including art. Also, students may choose to take two sequential courses in one area and one additional course in another area or all three in one area.

15. If students are “encouraged” to take two courses in sequence in CTE, Art, or a foreign language, does that mean that taking one of each type course is also allowed (although not encouraged)?
  • Yes, it is allowed. Some pathways may require two courses in the same area, for example a CTE pathway, in order to achieve certification/credentials in a specific CTE field.

16. What happens if a student transfers and the student had chosen not to take a foreign language at the previous school and the new school requires a foreign language?
  • Foreign Language is not a requirement for the Alabama High School Diploma. Each district determines how to fairly acknowledge previously earned credits.

17. According to the CTE and/or Foreign Language and/or Arts Education credits to be acquired, is it a possibility that a student could complete high school with three (3) years of foreign language? In other words, they can graduate without taking either art or a foreign language.
  • Yes.

18. For clarification―this reflects THREE consecutive years of the same foreign language to graduate. Is that accurate? This would be a change necessitating the hiring of more teachers.
  • No. A student may take three consecutive years of foreign language, arts, or CTE. However, he/she may choose to take only one of each.

19. What Arts Education courses can fulfill the Arts Education requirement(s)?
  • Any courses from the Alabama Course of Study: Arts Education.

20. Does the Career Preparedness Course have to be taught in ninth grade? Does it have to be taught as a one credit course?
  • No, each LEA is encouraged to determine the most appropriate grade for the course to be offered for students.
  • It is a one-credit course, but it may be taught as two one-half credits. In other words, students may take the Part A–College and Career Planning/Computer Applications portion in one grade and then Part B–Financial Literacy can be taught in a different grade. Or, the course can be taught as a whole credit in Grades 9-12.
  • Outcomes for this class are the most important factor to consider. This can be one of the most important courses that students take to help them plan and prepare for college and careers.

21. Will the Online Experience no longer be required when the proposed Alabama High School Diploma is adopted?
  • There is no indication that this requirement would be dropped. This requirement can be satisfied in the new Career Preparedness course.

22. Will we be able to offer Business Technology Applications (BTA) in the eighth grade? Would we be able to offer personal finance in the eighth grade?
  • BTA may be offered in Grade 8 with an approved waiver from the ALSDE. This course offers foundation standards for Personal Finance. The financial literacy component of the new Career Preparedness course is very rigorous and may only be taught in Grades 9-12.

23. Can we still issue an AOD in May to a student who has met all the requirements of the AOD?
  • Yes, the new diploma will not be available until the beginning of the school year 2013-14. Meaning, the first group to take advantage of the new diploma will be ninth graders beginning with the 2013-14 school year.

24. When the IEP Teams meet in the spring to develop the annual IEP, how will we complete the transition page of the IEP that includes selecting a diploma option and determining a course of study/program credits to be earned? Was it revised to have just the one diploma option?
  • At this time, the form has not been revised. For next year’s 10th and 11th grade students who are currently pursuing an AOD, the ALSDE will allow LEAs to issue a regular diploma to students who have earned course credit for the AOD. For ninth graders in the 2013-14 school year, the IEP Team should choose the AHSD because that will be the only option available when they graduate.

25. Will the work component be a requirement for students with disabilities?
  • Cooperative Education Seminar/Work-Based Experience will be required for any students with disabilities earning core credits through Essentials/Life Skills courses (formerly known as AOD courses).

26. Can we count the AOD students as graduates this school year?
  • Yes.

27. Will this be the last year of AOD or will current 9th, 10th, and 11th special education students that are currently working toward an AOD remain on AOD until they graduate?
  • Students currently working toward an AOD who will be 10th and 11th graders next year may receive a regular diploma if they earn course credit for the AOD. Ninth graders in 2013-14 will be the first class to work towards the new diploma.

28. Will AOD students be required to take the AHSGE to earn a regular diploma?
  • This year’s 12th graders and next year’s 12th graders will be required to take the AHSGE as their nondisabled peers must do to earn a diploma.

29. Will the content/curriculum standards for special education and regular education students be the same or will there be a Curriculum Guide similar to the ones that are in place now for AOD students?
  • There are Curriculum Guides for special education students. The guides can be found at
  • All students must follow the requirements of the selected pathway leading to the Alabama High School Diploma. We anticipate continuing to develop the Curriculum Guides as the Alabama Courses of Study are revised.

30. Are only IDEA eligible students able to take the “AOD/Essential Coursework” Pathway classes or are we opening up this pathway/coursework to nondisabled students?
  • Nondisabled students may take Essential courses/Life Skills courses as per the student’s four-year plan.

31. Will special education students who receive the regular/standard diploma be able to return to school to work on transition skills even though they have received a “terminal” diploma?
  • Yes, we would still require LEAs to allow students who received a regular diploma through the “AOD/Essential coursework” pathway or “AAA” pathway to return to school to work on transitional/life skills until age 21.

32. When will training be scheduled for Special Education Coordinators on the proposed Alabama High School Diploma?
  • Training for all school personnel will be determined at a later date.
33. Will the students on certificates be involved in this or will this be an IEP Team’s decision for those students with cognitive deficits?
  • Yes, Alternate Achievement Standards courses for these students will count toward the required credits for graduation.
34. Have plans been made for articulating the new requirements to two- and four-year colleges in the state of Alabama?
  • Yes.
35. Will you provide LEAs with College- and Career-Choice forms for building student educational plans and explaining the new diploma requirements to the community and parents?
  • Yes.

Interested in Education? Check out this scholarship!

SSA is excited to be able to continue awarding $13,000 in scholarships this year: 

$1,000 each to four (4) Alabama educators intending to become administrators and

$1,000 each to nine (9) high school seniors planning to major in education 

(PLEASE NOTE:  Student scholarship recipients are ONLY selected by SSA's nine superintendents who were named as 2013 Superintendent of the Year District Finalists).

Because SSA recognizes the need to attract qualified persons into the field of school administration, SSA solicits applications from Alabama educators who are pursuing graduate degrees in school administration from an in-state public college or university.  The degree may be at the M.S./M.A., A.A./Ed.S., or Ed.D/Ph.D. levels, and the recipient may be either a teacher, counselor, or an aspiring administrator.  The Administrator Scholarship Application is attached so please feel free to forward this email to your principals, teachers, and counselors. 

This application is also available on SSA’s website at

The application deadline is April 5th and is clearly stated on the Administrator Scholarship Application. No faxed applications will be accepted.

Interested in Broadcast Television or Digital Media? Check out this Scholarship!

FOX10 and CW55 Invite Students Pursuing Degrees in Broadcast Television or Digital Media to Apply for LIN Media’s Minority Scholarship and Training Program

Mobile, AL, February 20, 2013 – WALA FOX10 and WFNA CW55 announced today that its parent company, LIN Media, is now accepting applications for its Minority Scholarship and Training Program and will award one broadcast television scholarship/internship and one digital media scholarship/internship in April 2013, to commence in Summer 2013.

Each student will receive a two-year scholarship for up to ten thousand dollars ($10,000) per year, which can be used toward tuition, fees, books, and room and board. In addition, LIN Media will provide each student with hands-on training through a paid internship program at one of its television stations around the country. The Minority Scholarship recipients will be assigned full-time positions at LIN Media upon graduation and successful completion of the training program.

Applications will be accepted until March 20, 2013. The application and criteria for LIN Media's Minority Scholarship and Training Program can be accessed via the Company’s web site:

LIN Media's Minority Scholarship and Training Program is an integral part of the Company's strategy to strengthen its talent base and deepen connections within its local communities by building on the cultural diversity of its workforce. LIN Media has been awarding two-year scholarships to ambitious students since 1998.

Scholarship Deadlines Closing In!

Many of our students are eligible to apply for the new College Counts Alabama scholarship.


GPA: 2.75

ACT: 26 or BELOW


$2000 for 2 year college

$4000 for 4 year college

What you need to do:

1st Apply for a government pin at

2nd Complete the FAFSA at

3rd Get Mrs. Butts to email you a pdf of your transcript

4th Upload the first two pages of your parents' 1040
(NOTE: you can only upload ONE document, so you need to upload the pages seperately and then save them as one .zip file. See Mrs. Butts if you need help)

5th Fill out the College Counts application online at  

LBW Scholarships Deadline April 4th!


If you are interested in attending LBW you should also complete the application for their many scholarships:

You can either complete a paper copy from Mrs. Butts' office or complete it online.

You will need:

1. To have completed the FAFSA
     (Appply for a PIN at
     (Complete the FAFSA at
2. An electronic or printed copy of your official transcript
3. For the Honors scholarships, your will need 2 letters of recommendation
4. Have compelted an application for admission into LBW:

NOTE: If you are intending to join LBW's Health Science Program, you must be admitted SEPERATELY. The applications are on the left of the page:

Ambassador Scholarships

Ambassadors serve as official hosts for LBW Community College activities and public events held in the College’s service area. To qualify, an applicant must have a 3.5 GPA or 90 average or higher on his or her high school transcripts. The applicant must submit a completed application form, two letters of reference, a brief essay, and participate in an on-campus interview. Click here to view detailed information regarding selection criteria.

Athletic Scholarships

The College awards Athletic Scholarships in baseball, men's and women's basketball and softball. Interested applicants should contact the appropriate coach for further information.
Baseball Coach, Steve Helms at 334.881.2203 or
Basketball Coach, Ricky Knight at 334.881.2202 or
Softball Coach, Candace Tucker at 334.881.2203 or

Dual Enrollment Scholarships

Provided by the Lurleen B. Wallace Community College Foundation and the MacArthur State Technical College Foundation, these scholarships are for those students who plan to enroll in dual enrollment courses at LBWCC in Fall or Spring Semesters. To qualify, a student must have a minimum 3.0 high school GPA. Career Tech Dual Enrollment scholarships may also be available, contingent on grant funds from the Governor’s Office of Workforce Development. Click here to view more information regarding the Dual Enrollment Scholarships and here to download the Dual Enrollment Scholarship Application.

Foundation Scholarships

Both the Lurleen B. Wallace Community College Foundation and the MacArthur State Technical College Foundation provide a variety of scholarships to qualified and deserving students. Depending on the scholarship, applicants must have a GPA of 2.5 or 3.0. To apply, complete the LBWCC scholarship application, and submit two letters of reference or endorsements from any of the following: high school faculty (teacher, coach, sponsor, principal, or counselor), or an unrelated adult. Some scholarships have specific or additional requirements.

Honors Program Scholarships

The LBWCC Honors Program is designed to develop the abilities and potential of highly motivated students as they begin their academic studies and prepare to transfer to a four-year college or university. For entrance into the Honors Program and for scholarship consideration, students will be evaluated using an essay, interview, grade point average, and letters of recommendation.

Performing Arts - Arts Scholarship

Performing Arts – Art Scholarships are awarded to students who perform over and above those requirements normally expected for Art students. To qualify, a student must have a 2.5 GPA and submit a Portfolio Submission Form along with artistic portfolio. Interested students may click here to download the Portfolio Submission Form. The portfolio should include a brief artist’s statement describing what the student hopes to accomplish through his/her artwork. Portfolio submissions will be accepted at the end of March each year.

Performing Arts - Drama Scholarship

Performing Arts – Drama Scholarships are awarded to students who have interest in Drama/Performing Arts.

To qualify, a student must have a 2.5 GPA and must interview with faculty sponsor during spring semester.

Performing Arts - Music Scholarship

Performing Arts – Music Scholarships are awarded annually on the basis of musical ability, integrity, and leadership to students who perform over and above those requirements normally expected for an Ensemble student. To qualify, a student must have a 2.5 GPA and participate in the Ensemble auditions which are held in March or April each year. Click here to view Ensemble Audition Requirements.

Presidential Academic Scholarships

Presidential Honors Scholarships are awarded to high school seniors who have demonstrated high academic abilities. A student must plan to attend the Greenville Campus and a minimum 3.5 GPA is required for consideration.

Presidential Technical Scholarships

Presidential Technical Scholarships are awarded to high school seniors who have demonstrated academic abilities, have financial need, and intend to pursue a program of study in a technical based field. A minimum 2.0 GPA is required to be considered. Recipients MUST enroll in a Short-Certificate, Certificate, or Associate in Applied Science Degree Program.

Senior Adult Scholarships

Senior Adult Scholarships are for individuals who are 60 years of age or older who meet the LBWCC admission requirements. Student must enroll for credit; may receive scholarship only one time per course. Contact Donna Bass at (334) 881-2272 or Wanda Bass at (334) 493-5338.

Technical Waivers

In response to local job market demands, the college has established technical waivers for high-demand, high-growth technical fields. The number of awards per technical program is based on available enrollment slots and the annual demand for workers in the technical field. Technical waivers are intended to address worker shortages and are not considered as competitive scholarship awards. A minimum 2.0 GPA is required to be considered. Recipients MUST enroll in a Certificate or Associate in Applied Science Degree Program.

Sunday, February 24, 2013

2013 LBW Career and College Fairs

Students learned about career, college, and training activities in our area. 

Click on the pictures for a larger version.

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Scholarship for Athletes

"Scholar Athlete Milk Mustache of the year"

This scholarship is for any senior who is an athlete in high school. You can get up to $7500 a year if accepted. It is really easy to apply for but the deadline is March 9, 2013. That is about 3 weeks away so this needs to be filled out ASAP. The website is:
Just go this web address and click "Sign up Today" and fill it out.

Monday, February 11, 2013

High School Reach Out Week

February 18th - 22nd is High School Reach Out Week!

HHS Auditorium (Senior Night will be in the computer lab)

We will discuss end of course tests,  GPA, ACT, ASVAB, and college and career preparedness.

Apply for your pin this week at
Bring your tax return information.

Monday - Freshmen 4-5 pm

Tuesday - Sophomores 4-5 pm

Thursday - Seniors 4:00 and 5:30 pm

Friday - Juniors 4-5 pm